Celebrity Chefs & Fallen Empires

 Satan is the Demon Lord of Wrath,
known for terrible anger.

The Romans, the Ottomans, and the Spanish all made celebrities of their chefs.

I read that throughout history, when an empire gets to the point of having celebrity chefs, it inevitably begins its downfall. Apparently this happened all the way back to Roman times. It’s not a matter of cause and effect; celebrity chefs don’t have a common thread of inciting violent empire-ending revolutions.

Rather when there is a common cause: first an empire allows its ruling elite to amass enough wealth as to allow “celebrity chef” to exist, then those ruling elite use their money and power to rewrite the laws in such a way as to propagate their own wealth even at the expense of the citizen’s needs. At that point the empire becomes underfunded, as all of the wealth is captured by the ruling elite.


Revelation 11:5 If anyone wants to harm them,
fire comes out of their mouths 

Where the old saying, “YOU’RE FIRED” came from…Jesus and Saint John’s ancient prophecy.

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